Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Love me tender...

Love me sweet...as the Elvis song goes. Funny thing, everywhere I went in Finland in 2008, people assumed my sister and I would love Elvis because we were American. This has nothing to do with the above photo.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

3-part dry transfers...

Are the most painful thing since 2-part dry transfers. Though in this case I think the extra A-- pain to apply the .05mm black outlines was worth it.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Power on the Lewiston Branch mixed

So if you read the description for GT 713, I mentioned the little mogul that could was the primary power for the Lewiston Branch mixed train until 1954 when it left to pull the CN museum train across Canada. In it's place until the end of steam were the larger N-4-a consolidations and the even bigger S-1-f and S-3-a Mikados. Well, in my mail today is the first CVRHS Ambassador of the year and on the cover is CV 470 pulling the CN combine on the Lewiston Branch. I knew CV 470 spent some time on the Grand Trunk New England and was well photographed pulling train 16/17, but had no idea it ran the mixed train too. Totally exciting for me and yet another modelling opportunity. Photo by John Ames at Danville Jct. ME.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Canadian National Baggage Express car

Completed for Train 16/17 Portland-Montreal. CN heralds are CDS dry transfers. Roadname and car info by Tommy Armstrong

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Grand Trunk 713 Finished

Technically, I need to do some custom decorations on the glass for the windows to get the four-pane effect, but am otherwise ready to run. While this is my sixth steam locomotive build, this is the first I've completed. I'll get some more professional looking photos when I have a decent lighting setup.

Saturday, March 12, 2016